Infinite Health

Health Cheat : GTA San Andreas cheats Xbox

If you're looking for the GTA San Andreas game cheat for infinite health on gaming platform like Xbox and Xbox 360 then you've landed on right page.

Here is the Xbox Cheat for infinite health in the game:
  • Down, A, Right, Left, Right, R Trigger, Right, Down, Up, Y
Type the above mentioned buttons, in sequence as mentioned during the game, on your Xbox joystick to activate the cheat. If you enter the cheat correctly then you will get a message as "Cheat Activated" on your gaming screen while playing the GTA San Andreas Game.

Below is the image of the cheat in sequence of the buttons to press so as to activate it on Xbox.

gta san andreas xbox infinite health cheat
Above post is useful for keywords:

  • gta san andreas cheats xbox game
  • gta sa cheats xbox video game
  • san andreas xbox cheats
  • infinite health cheat
  • unlimited health in the game


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