Jet Cheat

GTA San Andreas Jet Cheat for Xbox 360 & Xbox

After getting introduced to the game of GTA SA and playing it a couple of times, you must have noticed that the city of San Andreas is quite big. You can navigate to different places withing the game with help of a car, bicycle or on foot. What if you have to navigate from Los Santos To San Fierro? It's boring and time consuming to cover large distances in GTA game on with your Xbox or Xbox 360 joystick through a car or bike.

For learning flying a fighter jet, click here Jet GTA San Andreas.

Here comes in the picture the fastest means of transport in the game as well as in real life. It's the jet plane. Or some may call it Hydra Jet or Fighter jet plane. It's the fastest and it takes few minutes like 2-3 to travel from one end of San Andreas city to the other end. Now, you can spawn a fighter jet or jet plane in the game with help of xbox cheat given below: Look for enough space around you in the game before entering the cheats.
  • Y, Y, X, B, A, L Trigger, L Trigger, Down, Up
Below image may help you to figure out the buttons on your Xbox joystick.

You must press the above buttons in sequence as mentioned on your joystick. Otherwise, the jet cheat will not activate. If you successfully activate it then you see to words on your screen reading "Cheat Activated".
And turn around to see the fighter jet on the ground. 

Benefits of Fighter Jet or Hydra Jet or Jet plane in the San Andreas game on XBox:
  • You can travel easily long distances inside the game within short time due to the high speed of Jet.
  • You can also fire bombs from the jet during the game when in air.
Limitations of Hydra or Fighter Jet in the Game:
  • It's difficult to land the jet at exact spot.
  • It requires large space for landing.
  • If it collides with some building or falls in water then it explodes and thus fails your mission.
Above post is useful for keywords:
  • GTA San Andreas Jet Cheats for Xbox 
  • Fighter Jet cheats Xbox video game
  • xbox 360 gta sa cheats for hydra jet
  • Play game on xbox cheats


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